Hay fever Symptoms
Some of the symptoms one is likely to experience when there is a high pollen count:
- Sneezing
- Blocked or runny nose
- Itchy or watery eyes
- Blocked sinuses, headaches and migraines
- Wheezing and shortness of breath
- Fatigue
Hay fever injection
Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for this allergy, however Kenalog Injection proves to offer immediate relief in majority of the suffers for the entire pollen season (usually three months) as compared to the other “over the counter medicines”.
Hay fever injection is not administered to pregnant mothers & those under 16
Kenalog is a corticosteroid and contains triamcinolone. Tramcinolone injection reduces the release of inflammatory chemicals such as histamine and can give hay fever symptoms remission that lasts for the duration of the entire pollen or allergen season.
These injections are quite safe & highly effective.
In some instances, a second hay fever injection may be required during the same season. This should be done no sooner than 2 weeks after the initial injection.
Injection is administered at the top of the buttock and starts working almost immediately and typically ‘kicks in’ anywhere from one to forty-eight hours after administration.
Your family member or friend can accompany you during the treatment or please ask for chaperon at the clinic should you feel the need.
As with all injected medications, the doctor / Nurse will undertake a careful risk assessment to make sure that you are a good candidate for treatment, and will explain the potential side effects and likely benefits in detail.
Hay fever Kenalog injection costs from £75 per 40mg dose, including a free medical consultation
Prior to booking all patients are advised to read the manufacturer’s patient information leaflet here, so that they are able to make an informed decision to have treatment.
What are the causes?
Hay fever or allergic Rhinitis is an allergy to pollen or even dust and mould. According to Allergy UK, hay fever affects about 20% of the population. If you have a family history of asthma or eczema, you are most likely to also have hay fever.
Pollen is the main cause of hay fever.
Hay fever is high during warm, dry and windy weather, there are different types of pollen:
- Grass pollen: high pollen count during May to July
- Tree pollen: high pollen count during February to June
- Weed pollen: high pollen count during June to September
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a hay fever injection?
The hay fever injection is a steroid treatment, not an antihistamine. Steroids are a powerful anti-inflammatory medication that helps suppress the body’s immune response when it overreacts. They can be used in topical form (in a gel or cream), tablet form or be administered as an injection. The injection helps to suppress symptoms of hay fever without the need for tablets, sprays or other medication.
Does the hay fever injection work?
The hay fever injection can be a huge relief when other treatments have failed. It can eliminate hay fever symptoms for the season so you can finally enjoy the spring and summer months. They can also be extremely convenient as you don’t have to remember to take a pill every day.
How long do hay fever injections last?
The injection doesn’t cure hay fever, it works to temporarily suppress the immune system enough to stop symptoms. Usually, one injection is enough to keep symptoms at bay for the entire hay fever season. Sometimes, however, it’s necessary to have two injections within a few weeks of each other.
The dose required to control severe symptoms is partly related to body weight and heavier subjects will require a larger dose to ease their symptoms. Therapeutic dose for most effective relief is 1mg per kg of body weight, therefore our standard doses administered are from 40mg-80mg per patient per season.
Common Hay Fever Triggers

Flower Pollen

Tree Pollen

Wood Pollen

Fungi Pollen

Grass Pollen